About Us
Quiet Blue was inspired by a desire to create and promote a healthy, toxin free home lifestyle, whilst educating and empowering women with aromatherapy choices that provide mood enhancing support during peri-menopause, menopause and for those struggling with PCOS .
About Jackie:
I taught Pilates for over a decade, whilst battling some serious autoimmune issues, which left me feeling constantly stressed, nauseous and exhausted. Like so many women juggling work and family, I ploughed on...but when peri menopause hit, my symptoms intensified and I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease. So I decided to step back from my business and focus on my wellbeing.
My journey to wellness began with a long hard look at my lifestyle and identifying simple changes that I could control to improve my environment and support my health naturally. I’ve always been an advocate of the natural supporting powers of aromatherapy, and diffusers and candles formed a staple feature of my Studio and my home. But in the process of rethinking my lifestyle choices I became aware that the ingredients of many luxury brand candles contain paraffin wax or artificial toxic fragrance oils, that release harmful chemicals, that I would not choose to have in my home. So with the help of an expert Aromatherapy Perfumer I decided to create an alternative range of candles and diffusers containing only pure, natural ingredients, combined with specific formulas designed to benefit deep sleep, cope with anxiety and enhance mood…all the things I had suffered with. Finally, I love to travel, and each of our scent families harness the natural ingredients found in beautiful places around the world which hold a special memory for me.
I think long and hard about what we put into our candles, diffusers and natural soaps, the work is done manually, and production can only be done in small batches. We don’t spend money on advertising, we spend it where it matters, and believe in the science that tells us that smell, emotion and memory are powerfully intertwined.
We've harnessed the benefits of aromatherapy in our small edit of natural scents, each collection designed unlock and support peri-menopause, menopause & PCOS. When you find your favourite scent in our range do let us know.
Please click here to get in touch with us if you have any queries.